That green color catches my attention

Hello everyone's!!!

I was confused when looking for a scientific name for this insect species, however, I got the general scientific name is Polydrusus, but the name is still in the category of an origin of the nation
The explanation is seen in one of the media called

The color is green and some are yellow, this color becomes a reference to distinguish each gender, has a unique face, like the appearance of a rodent called a rat, although the face is slightly different from the original but looks like that. Its presence in every plant, both wild plants and cultivated plants, is labeled as one of the most common pests found and is often seen on every leaf.

Always seen nesting in every plant, the choice does not have to be on a particular plant, or have a special hobby for each type of plant, so it is very easy to get it on any plant.

If you are in an area of ​​vacant land that has a lot of cotton plants then they are seen in that area. When you are in a small garden, it also seems to dominate every leaf in front, as well as when in each fruit plant, they also often dominate the area.

I feel their presence in every plant, but they are often found in the area of ​​​​plants or wild weeds that grow by themselves in uncertain areas.

Today I met him in an area that is rarely visited by everyone, a quiet location where there are several kapok plants, he was seen alone without a partner. The certainty of seeing it, is very clear. Because the plant is certain to have just grown and developed, which has a size of 7 cm.

It looks like he has just arrived in this area, but I don't know where he came from because in that area there are many small weeds, while the kapok plant has only one stalk where the location of its dominance is.

Perhaps they are some of the beetles left over from the wind transport that has hit our region in recent days. Or maybe the main nest had been destroyed as a result of the previous circumstances.

Even though he's often said to be a leaf-crushing pest and that's for sure, but today he looked cute, in his own way when I took his picture. As said earlier she has an elegant color and is very sweet when posing in her new selection of leaves.

Surprisingly, even though he was green at first, but within a few minutes, when he did an activity, the green color turned slightly yellow even though there was still green.

I had taken some pictures of him in different poses, he looked scared when I approached maybe from the influence of the wind that carried him when the small disaster occurred.

Its slow movement gave me the opportunity to get clear photos, so that the camera focus remains connected and readable in an elegant macro nuance.

When I was satisfied with having beautiful photos, I left him at that location too, because I felt sorry for the situation he had experienced in the past few days.

Hopefully he gets a proper location in a place that doesn't disturb the fruit growers, it's okay if he is in a wild plant area as long as he doesn't control a fruit farmer's territory.

I hope that will happen, hopefully....

Photo and Text Captions✎ & 📸
🅿🅾🆂🆃 🆃🅸🆃🅻🅴That green color catches my attention
soʇoɥԀ ɐɹǝɯɐƆVIVO Y30i
💥 𝕃𝕠caţเØnˢ 𝓅H𝐨𝓣o⌖Aceh, Indonesia
𝗪𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗗𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝕆𝕨𝕟 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘

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