Ladybug is on a wildflower


Hi all hive friends...!

Tonight I want to share a little of my story about a small and unique animal, an animal that is very familiar to all of us, including ladybugs.
Ladybug is a beautiful insect that often perches on the leaves of plants in plantations, I very often get this animal called a ladybug perching on grass that is still green and this ladybug is also found everywhere.
This beautiful insect has a red color and there are mixed black spots on its back, with a red and black appearance, this ladybug is very easy to recognize by children, especially children who are still underage, namely children who are still in kindergarten, they are all know him very well when the teachers teach them to recognize the names of any animal, even they really recognize this beautiful animal with a tiny body.
Ladybugs are harmless animals, especially for children because this beautiful little animal doesn't like to bite, she just stays quiet and when it's safe, she will fly away. The ladybugs like in my post tonight, we found them perched on the grass. green but there is another ladybug that has an orange color and she is often there and I very often get ladybugs that like the color I mentioned are on eggplant leaves that eat the leaves









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