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Close Up of Moth

In this posting I posted series of close up picture of a moth that I taken. The moth was sitting upside down on a glass door at a local mall in my area. This mall has a lot of spotlight. I think this is the reason the moth is sitting there. As far as I know, moths is attracted to light. Doesn't matter whether natural or artificial lights. Why? I really don't know.

There are theories saying that the number of moth has declined due to artificial light. The declining also have worrying implications for the rest of our wildlife. Moths and their caterpillars are important food source for many other species such as bats and many other bird species.

Research made butterfly-conservation organization has indicate that a decrease in the abundance of bats over farmland is related to the decline in the moths that they depend on.

Other reason to the decreased of moth is such as loss of habitats due to intensive agriculture, commercial forestry, industry and urban development are likely to be contributing factors.
