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Hoverfly od the cup of tea

The day was beautiful, suddenly a cute miniature fly of 10 mm flew in, although it looked more like a wasp to me.

very good camouflage and not boring doesn’t go through the body just by things

it was on my cup of tea

so I went a little looking to see what kind it was and I found it

( Lat.Episyrphus ) balteatus, sometimes called the marmalade hoverfly, is a relatively small hoverfly (9–12 mm) of the Syrphidae family,

Europe, North Asia, and North Africa. The upper side of the abdomen is patterned with orange and black bands. Two further identification characters

are the presence of secondary black bands on the third and fourth dorsal plates and faint greyish longitudinal stripes on the thorax.

Its color patterns may appear wasp-like to other animals, such as birds, protecting it from predation.

I am very glad when such an insect interests me to study it a bit and I admire how they manage in that nature.