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A Very Beautiful Dragonfly In The Aceh Forest"@ Alvonzo


Hi friends, wherever you are, I hope you are all in good health.

tonight I want to post some photos to friends on hive, especially for loyal friends in the insect community. the type of species that I will show is the needle dragonfly. This needle dragonfly was hiding on the grass then I took some pictures under the hot sun. I only got a few pictures from the same side, because after I managed to get some pictures of this dragonfly it became so wild that it was overwhelming I finally gave up.

Needle dragonfly is a group of insects belonging to the Ordonata group. This needle dragonfly's food is small insects that fly in the air. The cellphone that I use is the Realme C11 and the Apixel lens. This dragonfly also has very beautiful eyes.







so my brief description on this occasion tonight. maybe there are words that I don't like, I'm sorry. hopefully given a long life so that we can meet again here. thank you

Camera Used: Handphone
Photography : Insect
Location : Aceh North
Photografer : @Alvonzo
Lensa Used : Apixel