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The jumping spider is a beautiful bluish green color


©2021 ORIGINAL PHOTO By @adi.pisces

Hi friends, of course in good shape, today I will post a little about a beautiful spider that I found today. And I want to show you some pictures that I have taken with the phone that I have, I took some photos of this spider in the forest.

In general, this type of spider is found between bushes and green leaf expanses, because the color of this spider is very similar to the leaves, which is bluish green, making it easier for them to avoid hunters.

This spider that I found is one of the jumping spider species that exist in the forest, this spider is generally very aggressive and very fast in running away, I say that because when I want to photograph this spider it is very difficult, because he was always avoiding and hiding. Among the leaves in the forest, I think this spider is very beautiful.

This is a little review that I can explain about the spider I found today in the forest, here are some photos that I have taken and I want to show, I hope my friends all like it and feel entertained.

©2021 ORIGINAL PHOTO By @adi.pisces

©2021 ORIGINAL PHOTO By @adi.pisces

©2021 ORIGINAL PHOTO By @adi.pisces

©2021 ORIGINAL PHOTO By @adi.pisces

©2021 ORIGINAL PHOTO By @adi.pisces

©2021 ORIGINAL PHOTO By @adi.pisces

©2021 ORIGINAL PHOTO By @adi.pisces

©2021 ORIGINAL PHOTO By @adi.pisces

©2021 ORIGINAL PHOTO By @adi.pisces

Photo TakenSmartphone
LocationNorth Aceh - Indonesia