My first match with Syndra (2024.01.28)

My first game with her was a normal (PvP) match. Based on my first experience, Syndra is a good mid laner champion. Relatively easy to do crowd controlling with her.

I liked only Casmurdor (Vladimir) at the end of the match. He/she played very good. The others went alone. Even donatelas (Lulu). He/she should have been support.

No support, no teamwork. This result mostly in a lost match. This match is not an exception.

Casmurdor (Vladimir) was attacked the top inhibitor of the enemy team alone. While he/she did that, the enemy team killed everyone else, and destroyed the Nexus of my team. My team achieved 26 kills. The enemy team achieved 29 kills. I finished this match with the K/D/A ratio of 3/4/5. This match lasted 22 minutes 24 seconds.

If you also play this game, then you can add me as a friend in the game. We can play together from time to time.

Good luck and have fun.

Have a nice day and have a nice weekend.
All the best. Greetings and much love from Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.

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