Algonac Swans - Feb 20, 2021 - Shipspotting

I love it when the camera operators find something cool to focus on for a few minutes (when there are no ships around, anyway...) These beautiful mute swans occupied the Algonac, Michigan, camera operator for about half an hour yesterday...

The shelf of ice there must be pretty thick as these birds are not light weight! Cold too, but these two found it to be a perfect place to hang out for a bit as they dried off and preened.



I kept waiting for both of them to fan out their wings and flap at the same time, but alas, they would not.

Neither did the operator zoom out that little bit to catch this one as it did it again...
Still, there were some amazing shots to be had for those of us watching at that moment.




You can see on the captures how the zoom varied from 4x to an awe-inspiring 29x which gave such a wonderful, intimate view of the swan preening. Of course, this is the same camera that allows us to get great views of the ships as they pass by Algonac - which, yesterday, gave us awesome close-ups of this pair of swans.

Today's images are from:
StreamTime Live - Algonac, Michigan
The sharing of the pictures/cameras is encouraged for the education and enjoyment of all. Please take a look at these cameras on YouTube.

Note: Boatnerd also hosts shipping news, huge amounts of data about almost any "laker" and even many of the "saltie" visitors - and even a book called "Know Your Ships". I would encourage supporting his great work, especially as he has plans to add more cameras in 2021.

If you want to be tagged in future shipspotting posts, please let me know and I'll add you to this list.
(I can also remove you if you wish.)

Past Shipspotting Posts

Ship Studies

Freewrites that include ship pictures...

Shipping-based art

Shipspotting Buzzes


Coast Guard:


Two or more ships -

No Ships... (on these ship cameras)

This category is for when the camera operator finds something else fun to focus on, like the peregrines around Port Huron or the beautiful sunrise over Lake Superior as viewed from the Duluth Aerial Lift Bridge.

Lori Svensen
author/designer at A'mara Books
photographer/graphic artist for Viking Visual
(Buy my work at RedBubble, TeePublic, PicFair and DeviantArt.)
verified author on Goodreads
(Buy my books at Books2Read and at LBRY)

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