Building Resilient businesses

Sometimes, building a business is hard, especially when you are just starting out. I know this because I have built one myself. It gets frustrating at some point, mostly because we do not receive the profits we expect to see when we start. I am going to outline basic steps to take when building a business you want to last.
first, focus less on the money and more on the impact, what problem are you solving, if you are not solving a need then you have a hobby and not a business.
Next, define your target and work in how to reach them with a clear mission and vision
Also, have a strong brand identity, you do not need so much money to do this, a simple paint at your store could help, a tag line that is easy to remember or even just a good name. Then you can analyze your market to set proper prices for products and services.
Finally set goals that are achievable, sustainable, timely and realistic.

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