The three most ... streets

The other day I got a free hour to walk in the old town of Altea. I had to drop off my son for one extra lesson that is not usually held at that time and before my lessons started I decided to walk instead of just waiting...

I have already walked through these streets a thousand times, maybe more. Sometimes alone, and other times with friends or family members who came to visit us - it doesn't matter if you have a company to go with or if there is a real reason to visit so many times that part of Altea. You just go, as if some invisible force is pulling you to be there.

I guess that the tourists also feel the same as it is so crowded during the high tourist season. It still hasn't started but I expect to see many more people next week because of the Easter holidays. One street is especially crowded... it is San Miguel Street, which leads to the church in the old town.

I could dare to call it:

The most visited street


...of Altea.

Although you see it empty here!! 😂

The reason for this calm appearance is the time - I took these photos in the early afternoon when people are having their siesta (a very typical thing here in Spain).

You just believe me and imagine it with a lot of people. 😁

So many little shops are there to tempt you to buy a nice, fancy dress, a hat, jewellery or a piece of art. It is all lovely, but the prices are quite expensive. The shop owners have to earn something, I don't blame them and the tourists who visit this city are probably willing to spend some money on a garment that will remind them about this gorgeous town and its streets.

Here is a collection of photos of some little shops from this street:

When we arrive at the church with this San Miguel street, there is a little square and turning to the left (I am your GPS lady now) you can find yourself in Calle Mayor (Main Street), in my opinion:

The street with the nicest pavement


I know what are you going to ask me... How can this be the main street of a town like Altea if it is this narrow and short??

{The most visited street is empty, and the main street is so small...} 🤔

But that is what we have with this Main Street. The nicest feature of it is the pavement made of black and grey rocks. It looks like a mosaic or a carpet made of stone that is perfect for entertaining yourself jumping from black to black surface. Or from grey to grey, it is up to you. But please, it is just not funny to walk in a normal way as in any other street with boring pavement...


Speaking about boredom... After strolling in the main streets of the old town I ventured myself into the smaller ones, with no shops. Just stairs up and down. Could be this one:

The most boring street


... of this part of the town?

We are still in the centre, but this seems so dull. A street for masochists, climbing staircases with no entertaining feature around. The tower of the church can be seen in the background, yes, but in itself, it doesn't mean anything. But wait - I can be completely wrong with this street. If you climb some 12 stairs you can see that it is not a boring street at all.

Can you see what I mean? The head of a little bull is hiding there...


Here it is, a tin bull, painted with cheerful colours. How gorgeous and fun he is. 😇

A small message to this guy:

Dear little bull, stay brave and strong, fun and cheerful. I am glad to meet you and with your presence, this street is not boring at all.



These three streets from Altea (Spain) came here to be shared with the Hive community, but I am sure we can see many other streets from other parts of the world.

Can you pick three streets from the place where you live (or that you have visited) that you can label as the most interesting, visited, famous, emblematic, short, narrow, long, wide, beautiful, boring... or maybe the most scary street that you have ever seen? You can think about anything - you know what the streets of your town provoke in you. We would be glad to see your selection of three (3) streets that you think deserve to be presented here.

Other challenges in this community are still active, actually they have no deadline. If you want to participate in the previous two topics, feel free to see the invitation posts for My Three Favourite Posts and My Three Most Valuable Possesions clicking on the links.


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