Spiderday - Cobalt Blue Tarantula

Here is my pet cobalt blue tarantula for this #spiderday
Look at this beautiful blue gal.

Her Latin name is Cyriopagopus lividus a tarantula species from Myanmar that lives in the jungle.

I keep her enclosure humid to try and replicate their jungle environment.

This is a photo from when I first bought her from the pet store as a young specimen. At this point I wasn't sure if she was female and its a risk you could buy a male accidentally at this size. The main problem with buying a male is that they only live a few years compared to the long 10+ year lifespan of a female.

So far I've had her for around seven years, males only live about five years max so fortunately I lucked out buying a female.

Her blue colors tend to change in different lightings. Sometimes she has more of a dark purple color but then she molts and turns bright blue.

This is her after a molt. Nice and blue throughout. As her skin hardens up a bit her thorax area gets gray and blackish with just her legs staying blue.

Here is what she looks like after a few days of exoskeleton hardening.

These cobalt blues are nice to look at but don't ever try handling them. They will bite anything that moves. Also they tend to make a burrow and hide in it so the only time I get to see her is during feeding time and cage cleaning time. They look quite beautiful when you finally do get to see them though. I recommend only experience spider keepers have one of these as a pet because of their aggressive nature and their need for a humid enclosure.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)

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