HIVE IN WHATSAPP? (馃嚜馃嚫|馃嚞馃嚙)

驴Hola Hivers qu茅 tal est谩n?
Hoy vengo con buena vibra y una buena noticia

Hi Hivers, how are you?
Today I come with a good vibe and good news
Let's get started!

Hace unas semanas @theinfiltred tuvo la idea de crear un grupo de WhatsApp y educar a las personas que estuvieran interesadas en Aprender sobre Hive, lo anunci贸 en su estado de WhatsApp y le tom茅 la palabra, me puse a su disposici贸n para ayudarlo a educar a todo aquel que este
Interesado en participar en la Web3 al igual que @ramkarooz.

A few weeks ago @theinfiltred had the idea of creating a WhatsApp group and educating people who were interested in Learning about Hive, he announced it on his WhatsApp status and I took his word for it, I made myself available to help him educate anyone who is interested in participating in the Web3 just like @ramkarooz.

C贸mo es obvio, la mayor铆a ten铆an conocimientos nulos sobre el tema, pero en parte muchos ten铆an el inter茅s de aprender.

As it is obvious, most of them had zero knowledge on the subject, but in part many had the interest to learn.

Nuestro objetivo era orientar a esas personas con respecto a HIVE, todo desde cero y que tuvieran un conocimiento b谩sico sobre Hive.

Our goal was to guide those people regarding HIVE, everything from scratch and that they had a basic knowledge about Hive

En el grupo tocamos los siguientes temas,
-Que es Hive.
-C贸mo funciona HIVE.
-Beneficios de HIVE.
-Porque elegir a HIVE.
-Como crear una cuenta en HIVE.
-C贸mo interactuar en HIVE , las aplicaciones y DApps .
-Cu谩les son los tokens de Hive, HBD HIVE HP.
-C贸mo se realizan las transacciones.
-Como crear tu primera presentaci贸n.
-Que es una comunidad.
-La importancia de las comunidades.
-C贸mo funciona la curaci贸n y los curadores.
-El uso de poder de voto y recursos.
-DApps de Hive.
-Los NFT en HIVE y marketplace .
-Los Juegos en HIVE.
-La m煤sica en HIVE.
-Las fotos en HIVE.
-Las encuestas en HIVE.
Ente otros temas que contar茅 en u pr贸ximo post con la evoluci贸n de este proyecto, la verdad que theinfiltred y yo estamos muy emocionados y tenemos la mejor disposici贸n de ayudar.

In the group we play the following topics,
Which is Hive.

  • How HIVE works.
  • Benefits of HIVE.
  • Why choose HIVE.
  • How to create an account on HIVE.
  • How to interact in HIVE, applications and dApps.
    -What are the Hive tokens, HBD HIVE HP.
  • How transactions are made.
  • How to create your first presentation.
  • That it's a community.
  • The importance of communities.
  • How healing and healers work.
  • The use of voting power and resources.
  • Hive dApps.
  • The NFTs in HIVE and marketplace.
  • The Games in HIVE.
  • The music in HIVE.
  • The photos in HIVE.
  • The surveys in HIVE.
    Among other topics that I will tell in my next post with the evolution of this project, the truth is that theinfiltred and I are very excited and we have the best disposition to help.

Pienso que estamos invirtiendo nuestro tiempo en algo bueno y siempre mirando hacia el futuro, ense帽ando lo aprendido, perfeccionando nuestros conocimientos e incrementando la comunidad de HiveCuba, no solo en cantidad, sino en calidad, personas con un objetivo alejado de la avaricia y la toxicidad humana.

I think we are investing our time in something good and always looking towards the future, teaching what we have learned, perfecting our knowledge and increasing the HiveCuba community, not only in quantity, but in quality, people with a goal away from greed and human toxicity.

Realmente estamos trabajando en varios proyectos, que tenemos pensado incorporar en futuros eventos y seguir avanzando en la adopci贸n de Hive En Cuba y de cierto modo beneficiar a todo aquel que acepte HIVE c贸mo m茅todo de pago.

We are really working on several projects, which we plan to incorporate into future events and continue advancing in the adoption of Hive In Cuba and in a certain way benefit everyone who accepts HIVE as a payment method.

Bueno Hivers hasta aqu铆 el post espero sus comentarios, d铆ganle que les parece esta iniciativa y les animo a que ayuden a todo aquel que tenga inter茅s en aprender, me despido y nos vemos en el pr贸ximo post.

Well... so far the post I wait for your comments, tell you what you think of this initiative and I encourage you to help anyone who is interested in learning, I say goodbye and see you in the next post.

The cover was made in Canva
All images are by the author

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