Afortunada!!! (ESP/ENG)

Afortunada es la palabra ,afortunada de haberte encontrado y ser parte de tu vida ,de compartir cada ratito a tu lado ,de caminar junto a ti y compartir los mismos sueños y saber que soy parte de los tuyos, de acostarme viendo tu bello rostro y al despertar tenerte a mi lado ,saber q me cuidas y me amas en todo momento aún después de los enojos siempre estás para mí...

Lucky is the word, lucky to have found you and be part of your life, to share every little moment by your side, to walk with you and share the same dreams and know that I am part of yours, to go to bed seeing your beautiful face and wake up to have you by my side, to know that you take care of me and love me at all times even after the anger you are always there for me ....


Diseño sin título.jpg


•Foto de Pixabay.

•Traducido en Deelp.

•Banner editado en Canvas.

-Picture from Pixabay.

-Translated in Deelp

-Banner edited in Canvas.

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