Time to update the "lab" flooring

Since working from home I've been locked up in the basement "lab." I spend a lot of time in that lab, tinkering and working. I think the air quality is suffering from the 20-year-old carpet.

I've been thinking about replacing the flooring for some time now. I ripped up the carpet from the rest of the basement a while back. Between the cats and a ruptured water heater, that part of the basement was a write-off. It's just bare concrete now.

Well, I pulled that dirty, dusty carpet up this weekend. Follow along with me as I upgrade the lab flooring. I planed to do it all in one day. I tried a little time-lapse video. Hope you enjoy.


Yes, I rocked the flannel and the crocs this morning (it was bloody snowing yesterday.) I paused after the floor clean up as well to grab some goodies for my wife... mother's day today :-) Also, took a few minutes to shave the head. It was getting a bit long. So, a wardrobe change and a self-hair cut (I'm getting pretty good a self-hair cuts.)

Didn't know if I was going to be able to get up this morning and finish. Sore as hell, almost like I had gone on one of my rucks. Sucked it up and finished, whew.

Feeling pretty good. Wasn't too bad, couple rough spots there for a minute as I tried to figure out how (it was my first time laying down wood laminate) to get the angles and corners.

Looking forward to hanging out down here... now, I need to get to work on that mess of a workbench.

Stay safe, Stay healthy!


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