Just relax man

Last post I did contained a video for #teletuesday that was a bit more full on that my normal 80's and 90's soft rock. I thought I'd balance that out with something a bit more chilled.

Released in 2002 how big was this song? You couldn't turn on the radio without hearing it regardless of the station you were listening to. It's from Norah's debut album 'Come away with me', of which I know the first 3 - 4 songs very well. My daughter is turning 21 in a few weeks so she was just under 2 when this came out. It's all a bit fuzzy being so long ago, but I remember her being a pretty good sleeper from a very young age. I'm a night person and can stay up as late as you like and my wife is more of a morning type. This meant that she would take the morning shift of looking after our daughter while I had a lie in, and I'd put her to sleep in the evening. Every night I'd play this CD and rock her to sleep which would take somewhere between 1 and 4 songs depending on how much the mischief she'd been up to that day wore her out.

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