Rich breakfast and potatoes, Chorizo, chicken, rice and juice for lunch.


There are days where we invent a good meal, and the truth is that it is not all the time, although the truth is that sometimes this heat does not allow us to think very well, in the end what you want is to eat ice hehe. But from early on we did not invest.

A well-seasoned eggs with plenty of vegetables, and sausages, one of the sausages that we use the most today, which is generally not all the time, but makes a good game of food combination. Although there are those who do not like any type of sausage.

For lunch, after thinking about French fries for a long time, today I went to the new supermarket to buy frozen French fries, it had been a long time since I bought them, in fact they were almost gone due to the crisis in the country.

Of course, it is not that the country has been fixed, on the contrary, things are worse, but that is another matter. Anyway, I bought some frozen potatoes, chicken and since I saw that there were different types of Chorizo, I chose the smoked one.

While the chicken was being chopped in the pan, we placed the potatoes in the electric oven to test fry them, since the oven has an air fryer option, we only put a touch of oil on it.

At the end with a loose rice that is one of my specialties I served the dishes and the final result is there in the photographs. My children and my wife enjoyed it, even a friend who came to visit 😄

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