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Probando los concentrados de pollo de la marca Kaldini | Reseña y opinion.


Debo confesar que nunca he sido fanático de los cubos de pollo concentrado o cubitos como suelen llamarse comúnmente, no es que tenga algo en contra de ellos ni mucho menos, simplemente me gusta personalizar mas el sabor de mis guisos condimentando y añadiendo especias a mi gusto hasta obtener el sabor deseado, siento que los cubitos otorgan un sabor muy genérico y que si o si tienes que condimentar con otras cosas para mejorar el sabor, el otro día estuve de compras y casualmente he notado que hay una marca que ultimadamente ha sacado muchos productos, su nombre es Kaldini y prácticamente están en todos lados, entre toda la variedad de productos que ofrecen tienen unos cubitos que me llamaron mucho la atención ya que el paquete traía 25 cubitos por tan solo 0.7 dólares, me pareció una verdadera ganga, me vi tan tentado que no lo pensé mucho y compré un paquete.

I must confess that I have never been a fan of concentrated chicken cubes or cubes as they are commonly called, not that I have anything against them, far from it, I simply like to personalize the flavor of my stews more by seasoning and adding spices to my liking. until you get the desired flavor, I feel that the cubes give a very generic flavor and that you do have to season with other things to improve the flavor. The other day I was shopping and coincidentally I noticed that there is a brand that has recently released many products, their name is Kaldini and they are practically everywhere, among all the variety of products they offer they have some cubes that caught my attention since the package came with 25 cubes for only 0.7 dollars, it seemed like a Real bargain, I was so tempted that I didn't think much and bought a package.

Al llegar a casa lo primero que hice fue preparar un guiso, uno simple de pechuga de pollo con papas simplemente porque me mataba la curiosidad del sabor de los cubitos, destapé el primer sobre y probé un poco así crudo y debo admitir que sabe idéntico al cubito Maggi aunque estos cubitos son muchísimos mas pequeños, aun así no noté ninguna diferencia en su sabor aunque, al tratar de diluirlo es mucho mas duro y compacto, me costó bastante triturarlo para que se mezclara con el guiso, después de terminar de preparar el guiso y probarlo debo admitir que el cubito no aportó casi sabor, incluso podría decir que no aportó nada, tampoco sentí que mejorara el color del caldo y eso que era un guiso simple de pollo con papas, no agregue aliños ni nada por el estilo, simplemente añadí un poco de sal lo que me hace pensar que puede ser que el cubito era muy pequeño o que simplemente no era de muy buena calidad.

When I got home, the first thing I did was prepare a stew, a simple one of chicken breast with potatoes simply because I was curious about the taste of the cubes. I uncovered the first envelope and tried some raw and I must admit that it tastes identical to the Maggi cube, although these cubes are much smaller, I still did not notice any difference in its flavor although, when trying to dilute it, it is much harder and more compact, it took me quite a while to crush it so that it mixed with the stew, after finishing preparing the stew and try it I must admit that the cube provided almost no flavor, I could even say that it did not contribute anything, nor did I feel that it improved the color of the broth and that it was a simple stew of chicken with potatoes, I did not add seasonings or anything like that, I simply added a little salt which makes me think that it may be that the cube was too small or that it simply was not of very good quality.

En conclusión lamentablemente no volvería a comprar este producto aunque su precio es inigualable existen alternativas en el mercado que aunque son un poco mas caras aportan mucho mas sabor a las preparaciones, mi madre toda la vida ha cocinado con cubitos y ya estoy acostumbrado a su sabor, si mi mamá lograba condimentar un guiso para toda una familia con un solo cubito, por que mi simple guiso para una sola persona quedó tan insípido, eso solo habla mal de la calidad de ese producto, me quedo un poco decepcionado porque ciertamente le tenia mucha fé a esa marca, pero bueno debo admitir que por ese precio no podía esperar la gran cosa, aun así no perderé las esperazas y continuare probando otros productos de la marca Kaldini, ya sin mas nada que añadir me despido, gracias por pasar, nos vemos en el siguiente post, hasta la próxima.

In conclusion, unfortunately, I would not buy this product again although its price is unbeatable. There are alternatives on the market that, although they are a little more expensive, provide much more flavor to the preparations. My mother has cooked with cubes all her life and I am already used to their flavor. If my mother managed to season a stew for an entire family with a single cube, why did my simple stew for one person turn out so tasteless, that only speaks badly of the quality of that product, I was a little disappointed because I certainly had it. I have a lot of faith in that brand, but I must admit that for that price I couldn't expect much, even so I won't lose hope and will continue trying other products from the Kaldini brand, without anything else to add I say goodbye, thanks for stopping by, See you in the next post, until next time.

¡Gracias por leer!/¡Thank you for reading!

¡Hasta la próxima!/¡Until next time!

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