Ragnarok Developers Update! - August 2022


Hello community!

We know that we have been quiet for the past few months, but we have been working on the game's development. Ragnarok aims to be a 100% open source game, and we are currently in the early stages of development and working to be compatible with the open source culture. The most important thing is to have a functional and attractive product for early adopters.

Game Updates:

We will frequently report on activities related to the game's development to keep you updated on what is happening. We will report based on the progress of the developers.

This is the progress from August and the first days of September:

August 1st:

Solved the position issue. Now the game has the condition to check whether the pawn has moved to the end of the chess board, then the player will be shown the list of all the pieces that were previously destroyed.

The player can select any piece, and the pawn will be turned into that piece.

Testing the functionality.

August 3rd:

Tested the revive functionality. There was a bug where the exchanged pawn was not getting destroyed, so I solved that error.

Created 30 new pet cards. For now, each player will have the same cards, but the sequence will be different. So at a time, they will not have the same cards in their hand.

Basic build and testing.

August 5th:

I have added the spell deck mechanism in the game.

When the game starts, three cards at random will be drawn for each player.

Added the deck icon beside the cards for each player from where the cards are drawn.

Changed the pet attack mechanics as agreed and tested the system.

Added UI for Mana bar.

I am now working on mana mechanics to add mana and deduct when the user summons the pet.

August 10th:

I have added the functionality to add the pet/spell card to the players after each round. After each round (flop, turn, river, etc.), the player will get a random card.

Previously, the card was spawning from the middle of the screen. I changed that to the deck position so the card would be spawned at the center of the deck and moved to the player cards.

Changed the color of the battle cards and in-hand cards stats like health, mana, and damage, so they are more readable.

August 12th:

I have created basic projectiles for pets and spell cards. When the pet attack, the projectile will spawn from the pet card to the target and then deal damage.

I have created the spell cards to test the spell mechanics. The spell will deal direct damage to the opponent hero.

I am working on the spell mechanics.

August 17th:

I have added the pet and spell cards to the deck.

When the spell card is activated, a projectile will directly instantiate from the player and hit the opponent, and then the damage will be dealt.

I applied the same thing to pets. When the pet attacks, the projectile will be launched and attack the target.

Currently, I am working on syncing the attacks of pet projectiles.

August 23rd:

I have synced the projectile attack of the pets in both devices.

There was a bug where another pet hero's health was reduced in a pet attack—solved that.

I have made the description and name of the pets more readable.

When the mouse hovers over the card, the pet or spell card will enlarge more.

I have added an extra spell card.

Testing the build for any bugs.

August 25th:

Created the build and tested it.

The damage was not getting dealt with properly in both devices. I solved the bug.

Found another bug when the player folds. The player cannot attack via pet, even if it's their turn to work on solving it.

August 29th:

I have solved the tur issue, now, when the player folds, the turn will work properly, and if it is the current player's turn, he can start a pet attack or cast a spell.

When the cards are highlighted during hover, the card will be rendered on top of all cards. So users can see better.

Created the build and tested the game.

August 31st:

I have started work on the deck-creating mechanism.

I have added a list of spells that the player chooses.

When the game starts, the cards will be drawn from personal decks, not the same ones.

September 2nd:

I have solved the chess bug when it is the first move for the pawn. If there is any piece beside the pawn, the tiles will not be spawned further, even if there is a place right next to the other piece.

I saw the calculation bug on the testing video. I think this is a network issue. But I am looking into it.

I am working on the UI for the card selection.

September 5th:

I have created the panel based on the hearthstone deck builder screen. There will be two lists.

One inventory will show all player cards, and another on the right side will have all cards in the player selects deck.

Created three buttons clear all, add all, and confirm deck button.

Now, I am testing the functionality.

September 7th:

I have created the functionality to add cards to the deck and remove them from it.

There are two helper buttons that will automatically set fill all 33 cards and another button to clear your deck. After editing, you can confirm and save your deck. The next time you open, the deck will be loaded automatically -> set the mana to 1 at the start of the match, increasing after each round.

Edited some cards to have costs of one mana and two mana.

I am working on setting the limit of nine cards that players can hold at a time

This is part of the reports sent by the main developers, so stay tuned for further updates.


You can read more about Ragnarok here.

Ragnarok is engulfing all realms, and no mythology is safe. This means you will have Norse, Greek, Egyptian, etc. Ragnarok will be a highly competitive game! It involves chess, poker, and PvP elements!


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