This is my favorite cafe in the Old Town (Gamla Stan), Stockholm, Sweden. It's called Under Kastanjen 👏👏 The best place to fika in Gamla Stan.

This is my favorite cafe in Gamla Stan (Old Town) in Stockholm, Sweden😀👍

Under Kastanjen

Living in a foreign country isnÂŽt easy!

Living in a foreign country is not easy for everyone. Some people think that living in a foreign country is something "very cool to do!" and I was one of them who used to think so (Well, I still believe that it is cool to do!). I was dreaming to live in a foreign country to learn a new language and learn new cultures to immerse myself and accustom myself to become a bridge between two countries. I will become a citizen ambassador of two countries for cultural exchange! 😀 Well, but the reality is not that easy! 😅😁

「海倖に䜏んでるっお、かっこいいですねぇ。楜しそう」ず蚀っおいただくこずがたたにある。 わたしも孊生時代に「海倖で勉匷する」「海倖に䜏む」「海倖で働く」を倢芋お勉匷した時期がありたした。 理由はただ䞀぀、「めっちゃかっこいいから」でした。 通蚳を介さすむンタビュヌに答える海倖で掻躍する遞手や、海倖からの俳優が来る床に通蚳を行う戞田奈接子さん䞖代がギャップが笑など、ただただ矚望の県差しでみる幌少期を過ごしたした。 「異囜に䜏み、その囜の蚀語、文化を孊び、そしお垂民倧䜿ずしお二囜間の架け橋になる」ず留孊支揎䌚瀟の宣䌝に完党にのせられる倢芋たお子様でした。珟実っお党然甘くないんですよね。😅😆😑

Living in a foreign country takes lots of energy in many ways. You have to be a tough person in many ways, physically and mentally. Yes, trust me, you have to be tough living in a new country. You will face many new things every day. And, probably the weather is very different from what you are used to. So, you may feel very uncomfortable living in a new place, maybe too hot or maybe too cold or may too dry or too humid! You have to have good health to stand some difference in the climate you live in.

「留孊を行う際に䜕かアドバむスなどありたすか」ず聞かれるこずがありたすが、わたしが答えおいるこずは、健康であるこずが留孊を行う第䞀条件だず思っおおりたす。 その健康も身䜓的に、そしお粟神的に匷いずいうこずがよいず思いたす。 海倖では毎日が新しい事に盎面し、毎日が発芋の連続です。 遞んだ留孊先や海倖赎任先が日本ず気候が違うず、気候に自分を銎らすだけで想像を超える劎力を䜿いたす。 寒すぎる、暑すぎる、蒞し暑い、也燥しおいる、倜が短いそしお長い北極圏や北欧など、その土地に䜏むず蚀うこずは「芚悟」がいりたす。

And, many people will ask you "What are the most different things if you compare with what you have in Japan?" and I always think that "Well, everything!" LOL! My point is that not so many people have lived in a foreign country before, so they do not know how much you suffer and face difficulties in your daily life. Thus, you will have a hard time having some friends who understand your struggles. Many "acquaintances" (not friends, but people who you know) just ask simple and common questions like "Do you like here?" Then, you will start question yourself, "Do l like here?" 😒😑


Also, you have to have some good support from your family and your loved ones. You have to have some good support, otherwise, you will lose your motivation pretty fast once you pass over the so-called "Honeymoon Stage" of living in a foreign. country.

Four stages you will face if you live in a new culture.



If you have a member of good supports, you can overcome some difficult times in the process to get used to living in a new culture. Especially, if you have a loved one, a partner, a big dream, then you can keep motivating yourself to overcome whatever you face in a new culture. Homesick is a difficult time to overcome! 😆


Why do I love this cafe?

So, when I feel a bit tired and feel homesick, then it is one of my favorite places to feel two of my favorite things, Sweden and my favorite animated film, KikiÂŽs Delivery Service.

KikiÂŽs Delivery Service is an animated film, which was created by Studio Ghibli and directed by Hayao Miyazaki.

わたしは気分が沈み、すこしホヌムシックになった時、このカフェに来たす。ガムラスタンストックホルム旧垂街にある、Under Kastanjenず蚀うカフェで、ここではわたしの奜きな「スりェヌデン」ず「魔女の宅急䟿」を同時に感じるこずが出来たす。スりェヌデンはわたしが今、䜏んでいる囜です。蟛い時も倚々ありたすが、基本的には倧奜きな囜です。


KikiÂŽs Delivery Service

(We can watch it on Netflix if you live in Europe. So, I strongly recommend watching it. I hope you will love it too. 😊)

KikiÂŽs Delivery Service is about a young girl named Kiki. She is a witch, and in witchcraft tradition, she needs to find a new place to live and a job when she becomes 13 years old. She leaves her hometown and starts finding a place to live and make friends, encounters difficulties, and overcomes them.


When I was a child I watched this film. I loved it so much. When I was studying in the USA, I watched the film several times when I felt down and motivated myself telling me that it gets better. 😉

And, interestingly, KikiÂŽs Delivery Service was inspired by Gamla Stan, the Old Town of Stockholm. So that you can find many similar scenes you watch in the film and in the Old Town. My favorite cafe, "Under Kastanjen" is one of the places I feel that I am like in the film.

It does get better when time passes. It is hard to believe so, but I tell myself that I should not give up learning a new language, Swedish. So that, I will understand the Swedish people more from their heart.


この倧奜きな「魔女の宅急䟿」なのですが、宮厎駿さんがむメヌゞした「第二次䞖界倧戊を経隓しおいない欧州の郜垂」を䜓珟した堎所ずしおストックホルム旧垂街のガムラスタンが参考にされたず聞きたした。事実スりェヌデンは第䞀次䞖界倧戊ず第二次䞖界倧戊をずもに䞭立囜ずしお参加しおおらず、垂内は戊犍を経隓しおおりたせん。ストックホルム旧垂街は矎しい欧州の䞭䞖の郜垂の雰囲気を残しおおり、䜜品にも圱響を䞎えたず蚀われおおりたす。そんなガムラスタンにあるわたのし倧奜きなカフェ、Under Kastanjenですがここに来るず䜜品の䞭に来たようで、わたしを元気にさせおくれたす。


It does get better! 😄👍

Well, it will take some time, but it has become a lot better, mentally and financially if I compare it with the time I came here almost 2 years ago. Yes, it does get better! And, I tell myself that I will make my life better and better! 😁

It Does Get Better(Det ska bli bÀttre!)  そう、来ない春などありたせん。こ぀こ぀ず蟛抱匷く、呚りの根気匷く付き合っおくれおいるサポヌタヌに特に感謝しながらシナモンロヌルを食べたした。😊🙏

The picture above was taken in from of the cafe. And, please take a look at the picture below, which is from the scene from KikiÂŽs Delivery Service, when Tombo meets Kiki for the first time in the town.

I hope I did not surprise the boy on the bicycle that I suddenly took a picture of him. LOL! Sorry!!



I love walking in these narrow alleys in the Old Town. It's very medieval, don't you think? 😄

They used a piece of runestone as a base of a building in the Old Town (Gamla Stan). We can see a memory of the Viking time in Gamla Stan.

It is the big square in front of the Nobel Museum, where we can find the iconic colorful Swedish buildings 😄

#animation #hayaomiyazaki #ghibli #europe #netflix #favoritemovie #movie #animatedfilm #japan #japanese

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