The history of the Earth

The history of the Earth is related to the development of the planet since its formation until now. Almost all branches of natural science have contributed to the understanding of the main events on Earth that were past. Earth's age is estimated at one-third the age of the universe. A number of major biological and geological changes have occurred over that time span.

The Earth formed about 4.54 billion (4.54 × 109) years ago through the accretion of the solar nebula. The release of volcanic gas is thought to create an oxygenated, toxic, old atmosphere for humans and most of today's living things. Most of the Earth's surface melts due to extreme volcanism and often collides with other celestial bodies. A large collision is thought to cause the Earth's axis tilt and produce the Moon. Over time, the Earth cools and forms a solid crust and allows liquid to be created on its surface. The first life forms emerged between 2.8 and 2.5 billion years ago. The life of photosynthesis came about 2 billion years ago, enriching oxygen in the atmosphere. Most living things are still small and microscopic, until finally complex multicellular living creatures began to be born about 580 million years ago. In the Cambrian period, the Earth undergoes a massive rapid diversification of phyla.

Biological and geological changes continue to occur on this planet since its formation. Organisms continue to evolve, transforming into new or extinct forms as Earth changes. The tectonic processes of the plates play an important role in the formation of oceans and continents on Earth, including life in them. The biosphere has a major impact on the atmosphere and other abiotic conditions on the planet, such as the formation of the ozone layer, the proliferation of oxygen, and the creation of soil.

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