The Gadsden Flag - Dont Tread On Me

One of my neighbors flies this flag up just next to his front door. I had seen it over the years, had a sense of its meaning, and was always somewhat curious about the design or art of it. Today I dug deeper on the history and meaning of it. While Wikipedia is often a misleading platform in my opinion, it can also be a good place for basic info and/or a place to gather some keywords or information which you can use to dig deeper on other websites, texts, etc. That said, I have pulled a few general statements and facts from Wikipedia to help give a foundation of the story of this flag.

"It is often used in the United States as a symbol for gun rights, American patriotism, individual liberties and disagreement with government intervention." source: Wikipedia


(The Gadsden Flag, image source)

"In 1754, during the French and Indian War, Franklin published his famous woodcut of a snake cut into eight sections. It represented the colonies, with New England joined together as the head and South Carolina as the tail, following their order along the coast. Under the snake was the message 'Join, or Die'. This was the first political cartoon published in an American newspaper... As the American Revolution grew, the snake began to see more use as a symbol of the colonies. In 1774, Paul Revere added Franklin's iconic cartoon to the nameplate of Isaiah Thomas' paper, the Massachusetts Spy, depicted there as fighting a British Griffin.[11] In December 1775, Benjamin Franklin published an essay in the Pennsylvania Journal under the pseudonym American Guesser in which he suggested that the rattlesnake was a good symbol for the American spirit." source: Wikipedia

(Ben Franklin's "Join or Die" Cartoon, image source)

With much respect and curiosity,

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