An adventure without direction


The birds continued to make the most of the beautiful morning as the sun slowly crept over the mountain tops, casting a golden glow into the valley below. The only other sound was the soft wind blowing gently through the trees that towered above the canopy into the sky. Flowers gently swayed in the gentle breeze, looking at their best in this rare quiet of peaceful morning, not yet intruded upon by the turmoil of the day ahead.

Slowly, though, the birds fell silent, as they saw the ground move. At first it was barely a tremor, but the rumble slowly grew louder. The silence fell, other than the ominous rumbling. The leaves of the trees started to rustle. Slowly the sky above the valley started to darken. The birds’ birds started to tremble as the rumbling below deepened. The trees trembled from the tremor that echoed through the ground beneath them. The birds all began to shake, and begin to rustle, as the noise seemed to begin to climb the hills. The ground seemed to shake in the tree tops. The birds, too, were shaky but not frightened. Though the birds had little experience of earthquakes they were not used to, having lived in the mountains for so long, they understood the danger and began to merely tremble. The noise was very loud and it continued to rise. The birds, however, seemed calm. They turned their eyes to the sky as they felt the tremor climb the mountain.

Then, the noise stopped. All that could be heard was the birds. The sky was darker and the birds were still shaking. Then, slowly, the birds stopped shaking, looking about the treetops as the sun shone again. Then something rustled past them, just a sound, only noticeable because of the relative quiet of the morning. The birds were not worried as the rustling continued.

Then, the birds saw a strange, human-like creature leap from the trees. It landed with a thud. It had black fur with a dirty white patch, a tail that ended with a tuft of purple hair, and big floppy ears. The birds were ready to fly away, but then they heard a familiar sound. A loud and intimidating roar echoed through the valley, echoing between the mountains. The white lions leapt from the trees and landed in the glen. They were standing over ten feet tall with spikes on their foreheads and enormous fangs. The birds took off at a sprint, leaving the lions to get on with what they had come for, chasing their prey.

The lions were angry. For years a wizard had been living in the valley, in the depths of a cave. No one knew who he was, but he was making all the wildlife shifters on the mountain tremble whenever they walked past the cave. The big dangerous looking lions were itching to get rid of this man. Just to be sure, they decided to keep him for themselves. So, they ran after the terrified prey that they saw. A massive lion jumped straight at a cow that was too scared to make a sound. It tackled the cow to the ground and started to drag the mother cow away. The lion then started to chew on the cow’s neck. The lion managed to rip the cow’s throat open and left it dying. The herd panicked and scattered at the sight. The lions tore away from the empty feast, as it was now high time to finish the hunt.

A huge, black wolf leapt from the trees. It was sure that it had found its prey. The bird was just below the trees that the wolf was leaping from. The wolf landed near the bird and sniffed it out. The bird looked up at the wolf, which began to run towards it. The bird was scared, but before the wolf could bite or even touch it the bird was gone.

The lions, feeling they had the same simple task as their smaller counterparts, ran around the glen with the same purpose.

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