Full time traveler

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So I became a full time hippy nomad. Eight months ago I have left my full time job, I've sold my house, car and everything I owned I have left my comfort zone and started traveling with one backpack only. I've spend the most wonderful time of my life in India, discovering stunning places, getting to know different cultures, teaching Yoga, meeting amazing people and learning more about myself and others. I traveled India for nearly 6months. I went to Thailand afterwards, traveling all over for a month. I've learned Thai Massage, Muay Thai boxing, Snorkelling etc. and again, I've experienced love, happiness and abundance. Next I went to Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam and Australia.
I have made the decision about traveling which wasn't easy, as I had to gave up my hitherto life and sacrifice all that I had. And what's the most important, I had to get rid of all my attachments, I had to overcome my fears and society expectations. Everyone around was saying that I'm crazy and my loved ones where worried about me. "How could a women leave everything and travel so far on her own?".
But I was deaf, didn't listen to anyone, just following my heart. And today I am the happiest version of myself. Everyday I feel like my chest is going to explode fulfilled with love, happiness and gratitude which I have inside my heart. My soul is singing and I live my dream life ❤️
I only listen to my heart which says: Follow your dreams, follow your highest excitement, don't let the music of your soul go on forever...reach for your dreams because YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE.

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