#HighFive Initiative [HIVE REBOOT] 🙌


These are the sort of times where people are talking about physical distancing and health. The gaps between us seem to be widening. And this social space that we feel is not something a half-hearted effort can fill!

The COVID-19 pandemic is a relic of the past attempting to drag down and dampen the bright beginnings of the new decade. To counteract it's wide reaching global effects means intentional and genuine connection and the health of our communities are more important than ever!

That's what the #HighFive Initiative is all about! There is no such thing as a half-hearted high five! Have you ever seen a limp pathetic high five? It's a near impossible thing to give or receive right? And if you are on the other end of a missed high five there's always a second chance right!? Of course there is! High Five's are all about do overs! The more High Five's the better!

High Five's are ways that us humans can instantly connect with anyone and everyone... A solid high five conveys winning in every moment. It communicates authentic value in a genuine and immediate way... right away! It's about collective action and unconditional acceptance.

Of all the ways humans human I think handing out a high five has got to be the best! There are not many things we can do to top it! It's always a HECK YEAH moment where unforgettable experiences shared pay off EVERY TIME they happen!

And now that we have the Hive Blockchain... A truly decentralized social media solution that authentically values our connections and content... Together we are creating a new innovative and exciting way to human! I don't know of any other better reason to high five everybody than that!

So it is on this note that I have decided to hit the refresh button on the #HighFive Initiative!

I'm looking for inspirational content. Specifically winning posts that we should all be celebrating! @Actifit reports that are AMAZING! People doing good in the world. #IntroduceYourSelf posts of new people joining us here on the Hive Blockchain! Positive comments buried away out of sight. Anything and everything that's worth sending out a digital high five! I'm digging it up and featuring it here on this post!

NOTE: Whoever is featured in the #HighFive post should also check their wallet! There will be 5 Hive there waiting for you!

Weather you decide to save it, spend it, or pass it on to someone else that is up to you!

I believe that we all will only get stronger the more we communicate value via economic action. Every transaction and interaction here on the Hive Blockchain is a cobweb connecting hearts and minds. Cobwebs turn into cables the more we make use of this blockchain.

I really want to connect people in positive ways. The world is watching. And because of that this, I believe, is one of the biggest opportunities of our lifetime... Let's stick together and show people what is possible on the Hive Blockchain!

And while we are at it we can hand out a whole bunch of #HighFive's all around the world!

Healthy community happens one step 👟 at a time and one #HighFive 🙌 at a time.

Everybody #HighFive Everybody!

Fitness Entrepreneur
Certified Personal Trainer



Today I would like to feature Peace Peters A.K.A. @popcorn2real's #IntroduceYourSelf post! She's new to the Hive Blockchain and I can tell... She's got something to contribute to the Hive community!

The way that she puts her self out there is like a beam of sunshine. And if you all remember... That first post IS NOT AN EASY ONE! I remember writing mine just over a year ago! 😅

So! Welcome to the Hive Blockchain Peace! Here's a digital #HighFive! 🙌 Make sure you check your wallet. I just sent you a 5 Hive to get you off to a good start!

If you have any questions about the Hive community or blockchain please let me know!

Everybody! Stop by @popcorn2real and give her a warm welcome!

Check out her #IntroduceYourSelf post bellow!


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