Breaking the ice

Hi everyone. I choose to go by the nickname Killiphines, a word play combining the words Kill and Philippines for the obvious reason I am from the Philippines and I strongly think that if not all, most of its citizens play a major part of killing the country in every way imaginable. Our county is plagued with people that has a penchant for mob mentality, backward way of thinking and most especially, Church intervening in every issue possible. Let me now start talking about myself. I am young male adult, married and blessed with two wonderful kids. I signed up here to write about my ideas, feelings, and aspirations. It can range from topics stemming from politics, religion, world events, and taboo topics like why big pharma companies are bat shit crazy against legalizing medical marijuana or why Donald Trump is hell bent in demonizing Muslims. I think this will help me keep my sanity as I am currently in the sidelines recovering from a very nasty basketball injury that shattered and broke my left leg's tibia. That's all for now. Pleased to meet you all!

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