HF19 killing your vote power? Try this!

Howdy Steemians, uncle GMuxx here with a little tip for you.

If your SP is under 500 then you cannot dial down your voting power. As you know Hard Fork 19 came along yesterday and well and truly forked us. While it increased post payouts - YAY - your votes are now worth 4 x as much as they did the day before and you only have 10 instead of your previous 40 to cast before your voting power drains.

But what if you enjoy spreading the Steemit love and vote more than 10 times a day? Uncle GMuxx has you covered.

If you use the eSteem app on your Apple or Android device, go into Settings by clicking the hamburger box top left, it's towards the bottom.

If you look down the list you will see a nifty little slider marked Voting %. You can drag that any which way you like! As you can see I have mine set to 5%.

Now whenever the urge top upvote a post strikes you, do so within the eSteem app - if you vote back here on Steemit it will still be at 100%.

Share this wide to all the minnows out there. It may just save their sanity.

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