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Awesome! Passion to Sex To Clean Blood Can We Take From This Tiny Leaf Original

Hi steemian
Of course you are very familiar with the name of basil leaves. Plants are always used as fresh vegetables when eating a variety of fried fish or grilled chicken. In addition to having a distinctive aroma, the leaves of this plant is also very powerful to remove the fishy odor from various processed fish and meat.

Not enough just that, leaves with this distinctive smell staying digadang can provide many benefits for the health of the body. The expectations of this society are of course not excessive. Because the basil leaves also contain nutrients that are needed by the body, especially the problem of maintaining a healthy body.

As quoted from (16/2/2018) that in basil leaves contain anetol compounds, flavonoids, beta-carotene and magnesium. And do not miss anymore which is a good tryptophan for health is also contained in it.

Referring to the compounds contained in it, it is likely that these basil leaves have many benefits for health. And here are some benefits of basil leaves for health that we reported from (3/1/2016):

Helps prevent infection
One of the benefits you can feel from consuming basil leaves that can help prevent infection. Because in this leaf there are antibiotic, antibiotic and even antifungal nutrients. So it can inhibit the growth of cells causing infection or skin diseases. Some skin diseases that can be cured from this basil leaves, the panu.

If you have a panu, you can try to treat it in a very easy and natural way. First you puree fresh basil leaves. Then do not forget to add a little whiting. And the final step is to apply the herb on the skin affected by panu. Hopefully in this way panu soon escaped from your skin.

Helps to cure thrush
Sprue disease is a disease caused by vitamin C deficiency. This disease is very tortured when you want to enjoy food or drink, especially those that taste sour or salty. Well, to cure this torture sores, you simply consume basil leaves regularly.

Treating stroke
Stroke is a scourge for everyone. Because many lives have been snatched because of this dangerous disease. And to prevent and treat it, you can try it regularly consume basil leaves. The reason basil has a good content of isoflavone substances to facilitate blood circulation in the blood vessels. With this stroke disease can be prevented and treated.

Blood cleanser
Not only to deal with stroke alone, the efficacy of basil leaves that are not less powerful that can help cleanse the blood. With you consume basil regularly then the body will be assisted in the process of release or expenditure of toxins or waste in the body.

In addition, basil leaves are also efficacious to control blood pressure. So for you people with hypertension can be helped by the properties possessed by this basil. And even basil leaves can lower cholesterol levels in the blood and help maintain heart health.

Increase sex drive
Lastly, it turns out that basil leaves can also increase sex drive and even treat premature ejaculation. The reason is in the basil contains the content of magnesium, sepertsineol, and eugenol and apigenin phenkhona compounds. Nutrition is very good to increase one's passionate sex.

And if you are experiencing premature ejaculation, basil leaves are also potent mengobatinya. The way you simply brewed some pieces of basil in a glass of hot water. And consume the steeping water regularly yes