The Flat Earth Is Now On Steemit!

Hello all-

     My name is Jeran and I live in the Monterey Bay Area in Sunny California and am so stoked to see Steemit. What a super idea for a blockchain free press way to post the truth and not get articles removed as is often the case at Facebook or videos removed as I do at YouTube. I read the White Paper and was SOLD as this is far and away the most amazing and practical use of blockchain that I've seen to date. I have had numerous videos pulled from YouTube and scores of articles deleted from Facebook. Someone hates my content and while it isn't for everyone, I also welcome scientific inquiry and challenge... something today's science will no longer allow. How could it? It would be out on its ass by evening. 


     I hope to help you see something that may have been right in front of your eyes the entire time and yet you may have missed it. Start off by taking a long look at this photo below. 15% of people will see something other than bricks right away.  60% of people will have seen something other than bricks in 15 seconds and the other 25% won't see it.  Which group are you in?  Take a long look at this brick wall and tell me if you see anything strange. Some may see it right away and others will need to keep looking. Keep looking if you still don't see it and be happy you don't because as soon as you do, you will always wish you could go back to before.


Welcome to jeranism

Now before you go bonkers and begin yelling obscenities... take a deep breath and I will help you get through this.  My name is Jeran Campanella and I run the YouTube channel "jeranism." My channel is not for everyone as my posts are censored often on Facebook and videos are often pulled by YouTube because of the very secret I am trying to show the world.

First things first, if you are going to read on you must promise me three things...

1. You will not curse at me

2. You will have an open mind to the content and if you can debunk or disprove my findings then you will do so in  a scientific way.

3. After you read this post, within a week you will spend one hour online researching the topic I will discuss. Is that a fair deal?

first truth breaker

Okay, brace yourself now because you were conditioned to respond unfavorably to this. The Earth is Flat. I know, I know, stop throwing things. 

What if I prove to you that boats do not go over the curvature?  

Would you believe me then?

What if it isn't even possible to live on a ball and it has never been shown in any experiment or lab created model?

What if I proved to you right now that the ISS is faked?


Think of NASA for one second. now think of what you feel the NASA budget should be per day.  Think of everything they would do or need to do and tell me how much you think they spend daily?

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