Words You Don’t Find in Hebrew: Coincidence

Last week we started a series of words that do not exist in the Hebrew language, and our word was retirement.

”Generally, English words for which there are no Hebrew equivalents are unreal concepts detached from reality.” - Rabbi Daniel Lapin

Continuing with this theme, our word for the week is coincidence.

Now, this word is a little tricky in the sense that the sovereign will of God and the free will of man is a touchy subject.

I read an article today where a Jewish scholar was denouncing the principle espoused by Rabbi Lapin and said that Judaism heavily favors the free will of man.

My hope is that our friend @inphiknit can shed some light on the subject as well once he stops by.

I do believe that the principle here is an important one, and that is this - God is sovereign and in control over all of life - the Scriptures are clear in this:

“for in Him we live and move and exist...”
‭‭Acts‬ ‭17:28‬ ‭

What that looks like practically in relation to man’s choice has been a debate for centuries. Personally, I think it is pretty clear but I would love to hear your thoughts on the matter.

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