RE: The language of ivrit ( עברית ) Genesis 49, Post #4

There were no directions or addresses to note down on paper.

I was thinking recently how abnormal it is to have every square inch of land "registered" and assigned a lot number and mailing address. Everything, all land and buildings are managed with identifying numbers. Even human souls have a "social security number" or something similar. All part of a massive system of numbers, I wonder how long before we have a number actually tagged to our bodies. I know our phones have an identifying hardware MAC address and considering most people have their phones "tagged' to their bodies, we're almost there.

he drew up his feet into the bed

This visual always amazes me, as if part of the dying process is drawing feet into the bed. It seems very intentional. He announces, he blesses, he draws up his feet, breaths his last. Interesting that the Hebrew word for "he drew up" is very similar to the name "Joseph".

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