Uncontested Love

You were my person
YOU were my one
The fire was so strong

Like no one existed but us
Like pure love energy when we touched

Bars couldn’t separate our love
A connected conscience-we transcended into one

Our surroundings did not define us
Opinions could not shame us
We had healed each other
We Were Enough

I was your Queen
I Opened you up- helped you see
A life you never saw for you
A glimpse of who you were meant to be

When I held your face in these hands
Only you could understand
I gave you oceans of devotion
A King- I declared you

But peasants were your fort’e

They don’t know you like me
They can’t hold you like me
Can’t comfort your soul-like my peace
Yet you gave them -pieces -of you

I fought when you refused to,
Convinced myself with your lies
I forgave you- pulled you back in
Again and again

Sick at the thought of you not being mine

Gave you the prize between my thighs
Where you laid others down on opposite nights
Feeling their energy piercing mine

You became a stranger
I covered you in remembered love

I bent
I bowed
I cried
I over- tried
I thought I might die just to stay by your side

And grasped for hope-
Like a tiny grain of sand
I was a puppet in your beautiful hands
But it was already gone.

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