How To Eliminate Blackheads Naturally

Your face is full of blackheads? Although small, blackheads often interfere with appearance. Because, this sebum blockage makes skin look dull and oily. If blackheads are ignored, gradually turn into acne or acne vulgaris. According to research Suryadi RM (2008) published in the Journal of Medika Indonesiana, prevalence of acne vulgaris in women aged 14-17 years reached 83-85 percent.


Meanwhile, nearly 100 percent of 16-19 year old men contract acne vulgaris. Complaints vary; ranging from blackheads, pustules, nodes, to papules. Although not a dangerous disease, these symptoms can reduce your confidence!

Actually, many ways to remove blackheads naturally that can be done at home. As a first step, you should know some of the causes of blackheads on the face. Thus, you can take the right handling.

How To Eliminate Blackheads Naturally :

1.Egg White Mask
Egg white has a high amino acid content. This substance can close the pores gradually and reduce sebum production. In addition, egg whites contain folic acid to smooth the skin.
How to apply it is very easy; You must separate the egg whites from the yellow part. Then, apply on the face that is filled with blackheads. Let the mask stick to the skin for 15 minutes.


2.Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe vera gel contains vitamin E and folic acid are beneficial for the skin. Both substances can moisturize and remove blackheads in the face.
To clear blackheads, apply aloe vera gel to face. Allow the substance for about 10-15 minutes. After that, wash with warm water.


3.Honey Mask
The use of honey as a mask has been done since hundreds of years ago. Antibacterial substances contained in it can remove blackheads quickly. You can make the honey as a face mask so that the nutrients fully absorbed.


4.Green Tea
You love to drink green tea in the morning? Set aside the dregs to be used as a face mask. The content of vitamin C, E, and antioxidants in this tea can eliminate blackheads and control sebum production.


5.Papaya Mask
Papaya is a fruit that contains papain. This substance works effectively in lifting dead skin cells. In addition, there is also the content of proteolytic enzymes to remove blackheads. Papaya mask is one way to remove blackheads naturally the easiest you do yourself at home.
To make a mask, papaya should be crushed first. Then, apply to the entire face, especially the existing komedonya. Finally, leave the mask for about 15 minutes. In order to get the maximum results, do the treatment as much as 2-3 times a week. Gradually, blackheads in the face must be reduced.


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