These six foods will increase digestion

As we start eating with food, digestion begins with the digestive tract of our body. Digestion or digestive action breaks food and supplies nutrients to the body.
But when this digestive system decreases, our body begins to weaken because it breaks down the nutrition of food and reduces the ability to supply it to the whole body. Due to the decrease in digestion, many types of diseases started by lodging in the absence of nutrients in the body.
Even if digestion decreases, weight gain starts to grow. So we need to keep our body digestion healthy and to maintain digestion. To increase digestion, there will be enough food to eat.
Today's writing about this is a list of such food. Try to keep these foods in the daily diet list, increase digestion and keep the body healthy.
Aadha has been used since ancient times to make the energy of digestion. Ginger helps to remove toxins or poisonous substances in the body.
Recovery is 'zinzeros', which increases digestion and digestion rapidly. In the morning, a cup of ginger and cinnamon and cure gourds keep digestion healthy.
This brightly colored vegetable is much more beneficial for our health. These vegetables contain bitsasinin, iron, zinc, magnesium and calcium.
It also contains vitamin B3, B6 and Vitamin C, beta-carotene, which all work in the protection of digestive tract, liver and golbladers.
To remove the harmful toxin from the body, garlic load. Antiseptic properties of garlic Any kind of cold cough, along with the removal of viral infections, also works to increase our digestive power. Along with cooking, raw garlic is more effective for the body.
Many people do not like to eat broccoli. But Brockley has many health benefits. Eating regular broccoli is very good for the body. It eliminates harmful toxins from our body and helps digestion. Use broccoli for cooking soup, pasta or common vegetables. The body is healthy.
A lot of sulfur-rich cabbage is used to keep the body free of any harmful toxin. It works as a natural clinker for cabbage consumption of about 60% of the water. Which removes all the contaminated water in the body and improves digestion and digestion.
Cinnamon: Cinnamon contains a large amount of manganese which helps digestion of fatty acids in the body. And it helps to keep our blood sugar levels under control. The use of cinnamon in cooking is very effective for our body's digestion and digestion.

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