How to maintain healthy teeth and gums

I will be sharing some tips on how to maintain healthy teeth and gums. 

  • Make sure to brush at least twice during the day, in the morning when you wake up and at night before you go to sleep. 
  • Floss regularly so that anything you might have missed while brushing will get cleaned. 
  • Guggle with salt and warm water to maintain healthy gums. 
  • Try to use mouthwash everyday or at least every week. 
  • Do not smoke!! Smoking damages your teeth and causes many other health complications to your body. 
  • Stay away from alcohol. It causes complications with your health in many ways including tooth damage. 
  • Try not to eat lots of sweets, mainly sticky toffee like sweets. 
  • Go for regular check ups by the dentist.
  • Change your toothbrush after every two months. 
  • Foods high in calcium are helpful, such as milk. 
  • Apples, green tea, strawberries, kiwis and celery are known to help keep your teeth healthy as well.

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