Nails change color

Often we do not realize, the original nails are clear colored over time experience changes in terms of color. In many cases, a person's nails turn yellowish, possibly due to a yeast infection, the consumption of a carotene, or a nail psoriasis. Not only that, many other diseases that also cause a person's nails to change color, including lung damage due to bronchiectasis, sinusitis, inflammation of the thyroid gland, tuberculosis (TB), lymphedema, liver disease that causes almost the entire body is yellow, chronic paronychia.


In addition to turning yellowish, the nails may also change color to black, gray, brown, even to blue. The green-black nails can be caused by the growth of pseudomonas bacteria, the gray color can be caused by the consumption of drugs such as antimalarial or minocycline, and the color of chocolate can be caused by thyroid disease, pregnancy, or malnutrition. Blue nails can also be a sign of a liver condition disorder called Wilson disease, a condition in which the body has difficulty removing excess copper or when the body is deprived of oxygen.

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