Filler face

Filler face is one of the treatment in a dermatologist who is a trend. This treatment is done to fill the areas of faces that have vacancies (cheeks, temples, eye bags), or certain areas that want highlighted or reinforced such as nose, chin, jaw. Filler face should be done by a competent and professional doctors, given the fatal side effects can occur when penyyntikan done carelessly.

Your doctor will inject fluids containing hyaluronic acid to some parts of the face you want to highlight to be more volume. After the injection is complete, you may experience swelling and redness in the injected area.

In rare cases, facial filler can cause other side effects, such as skin tissue damage, granuloma / lumps on the skin, or blockage of blood vessels that will eventually cause skin tissue death. Therefore, always consult a dermatologist and consider any risks that exist before performing any skin care.


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