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Magnesium Sulphate in neonatal Asphyxia


Birth asphyxia is one of the major causes of noenatal mortalities.Magnesium sulphate has role in early controlling of seizures and in minimizing neurologic problems.
Intravenous Magnesium sulphate at dose of 250mg/kg within 6hours of birth in 5%drxtrose over one hour at 1ml/kg/dose , and at 125mg/kg after 24 and 48 hours is given to neonates for early recovery from abnormal neurologic signs.
This dose is safest and effective.At this dose transient respiratory depression may occur but at 400mg/kg patient develops hypotension.

So it is concluded that Magnesium sulphate is neuroprotective agent.


Have a healthy life ahead...!
