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New Debate in Uruguay: Pharmacy Marijuana is Too soft for the Habitual Consumer ! Do You Support this move???

It will be marketed from July 19. Because of its very low THC, there are fears that many will continue to prefer illegal drug networks. The Government has already announced that there will be stronger new varieties.
In this paradigmatic history of the legalization of cannabis in Uruguay, there is only one fact that is indiscernible: not one of the almost 5,000 people who registered in the National Mail to buy cannabis in pharmacies still tried one of the two strains that the State will begin to be sold on Wednesday, July 19. And everybody is a particular universe. However, the confirmation that its psychoactive component (the THC molecule ) will be under -2% , at least in this first batch, triggered several analyzes regarding the fundamental objective of the historical decision to regularize: will the consumer conform the dose So that you definitely choose to buy at the pharmacy and not the neighborhood drug dealer? Will there be new varieties?
The law enacted in December 2013 seeks to reduce user damage. That is why it not only allows the government to monopolize the cultivation, distribution and sale of marijuana throughout the country; Also allows each Uruguayan to have up to six plants in his house (there are almost 6,942 registered) or the formation of cultivation clubs (there are already 63) with up to almost 50 members. Therefore, the political and sanitary objective of the regulation is to take away from the black market the business of a substance considered of low toxicity and positive therapeutic effects, that there consume about 106 thousand people.
In his patio, on the balcony or in a closet, the Uruguayan user can grow the type of plant he wants, with greater psychoactivity, or with a preponderant "medicinal effect". The seeds, which are freely available, are sold with adapted genetics. In general, and around the world, the average THC content of plants consumed for "recreational" use is around 10%, although varieties with very high potency can be smoked, up to 20% or 22%.
But not everyone can cultivate. Because they do not know, because they lack space or interest. They also point out the sale in pharmacies, where the gram will cost $ 1.3 at least at the start, cheaper than the pressing that comes with dubious quality from Paraguay as a whole. When you want to win a market have to take into account the consumer, remarked Raquel Peyraube , medical Uruguay, one of the pioneers in promoting legalization of drug use in the world. Member of the Uruguayan Society of Endocannabinology and Monitor Cannabis, University of the Republic, considers that the composition of 2% may not "stick" enough.
That is why, although he was the promoter of the project and, he says, he wants the law to go well, Peyraube is critical step officially. It's not a criterion that takes into account the user's expectation, I tend to think that the effect will be slight." For those who are accustomed to consuming varieties of 7 or 10 percent, this will not meet their expectations,
As reported in the Uruguayan average daily sources of the Institute of Regulation and Control of Cannabis (IRCCA) advanced that there will be a second round, with two new strains, which will be 4%, ie twice as THC the first to be sold.
Those that will be on Wednesday at 16 pharmacies across the country were labeled Alpha I and Beta I. An " Indica " variety (with more relaxing and "corporal" effects) and a " sativa " (generates more active sensations, euphoria or Emotional well-being), respectively. Both have 2% of THC and between 6 and 7% of CBD , another chemical component, transcendental in the medicinal aspect and with neutralizing effect on the psychoactivity of THC.

Peyraube explains that among the benefits of that ratio, it can help to block the harmful effects of THC on memory and concentration: "Although there are varieties that facilitate concentration and the user knows, the fact that he has CBD Improve cognitive functions, although, equal, it was not necessary so low THC . "
In Libertad they cultivate the two companies that won the license. International Cannabis Corporation , whose harvest is the one that will reach the pharmacies on 19, and Simbiosys , producer of the second round. The agronomist Eduardo Blasina is a shareholder of Simbiosys and founder of the Museum of Cannabis of Montevideo , located in the traditional neighborhood of Palermo. "I think the low THC in this batch is a bit of a mishap, because biology is like that. Sometimes what you measure in a small group of plants in one place is not what is then expressed in another as Was expected to be between 5 and 10% ended up being 2%, " says Infobae .
According to Milton Romani, secretary general of the National Drug Board during the government of José Mujica, who pushed this law to revolutionize drug policy, "the varieties that go on sale are just the beginning, and will be monitored from near "The IRCCA is very clear that to displace drug trafficking, our cannabis has to have competitiveness in terms of quality, price, accessibility, safety for users, reduce damages and establish a user friendly link .
Former member of Simbiosys and crop expert, the Argentine Fernando Saicha explains: "Although the levels of THC in recreational cannabis for sale in pharmacies produced in Uruguay are low, I imagine that this will be adjusted as the return of the Consumers. To climb, eventually, there is time ", and considers that not for all " 2% of THC can generate a low effect. "

Although they prepare a more potent marijuana to launch in the medium term, in the Uruguayan government they consider, however, that they are on a "learning curve". According to La daily , it is planned to add four new genetics for the next crop cycle in the greenhouses installed in the town of Libertad, 50 kilometers from Montevideo, which will soon be eight varieties.
Blazina and Saicha agree with this perspective. "I see well that varieties with low concentrations are available, because we have to educate about responsible consumption, and I understand that the main market for pharmacies is the occasional consumer , " says Saicha. "It is very favorable in the beginning that the percentage of THC is low. Remember that people who never smoked were scored. Ancestors who have pains and want to cushion Parkinson's or fight pains.The experience will be satisfactory, it will give a slight take, Which will allow you to taste the terpenes, an important part of the experience.
Both point out that for those who want more intense experiences or more powerful varieties will be the clubs and the possibility of domestic development. The spectrum is broad, there is for all tastes and needs, observes the Argentine grower.

However, Peyraube is concerned that this dissatisfaction is not a trick where the drug merchants are mixed up. The question is if the users are going to be pleased inside the legal market, he says. Patient regarding accomplishing times, Romani is more than optimistic: Uruguay's experience will be very positive, because we will be able to evaluate the virtues of a model that tries to snatch this business from the drug trade, extends the policies to the users, dialogues with Civil society, develops a harm reduction approach and respects the human rights of all. "
Blasina relies on the Mostaza Merlo theory of "step by step" and risks a metaphor: "This as if we were to legalize alcohol in a Muslim country, we should start with a soft beer and not with a gin. He has to go to Paraguay's trafficked press, he can go to a club or plant in his house what he wants to consume . "
In addition, Romani, former Uruguayan ambassador to the OAS, considers the criminalization model of an expired drug users. It has shown its ineffectiveness, and worse, it has proved to be more harmful than the drugs themselves. It generates violence, is more expensive, and does not solve the reduction of supply nor does it reduce demand.
