Pain & Hatred

Wole up at pain ;v; 7. moved to 8 quickly. had to wait an hour yo chug pills (Tylenol, ibuprofen. muscle relaxant). took an hour and a half to kick in.

they gave me 5 days of oxycodone @ 5mg. Sorta worked the first two days, but not after that. in general, all this pillage I'm swilling dont make me sleep, but once I nod off, i'm done for hours

the biopsy i did 23 days ago is still "lost". i dont care about that. all i want them to do is chop this fucking thing out of my neck. i cant get an answer about that

i dont hate any of the medicos that have tried to help. i hate the system, the remt-seekers that built or corrupted the system, and the do-gooding moral leeches that vote the rent\seekers into office. these dumb shits dont pay attention to the results of what they voted in

and thats pretty much what i am right now. a blob of hate and pain. about all i have thge energy to do tight now is watch tv and try to boost my SPS count ( interest is at 177%)

fuck socialized medicine. fuck socialism

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