Exercise Routine! ( Try it out)


Hey guys! I have been doing much cardio recently and I want to share with you what exactly I am doing to gain health and lose weight.

Monday through Fridays I:

  • I run every morning between 6-8, 2 miles or more depending on course
  • After the run I jump rope for 5 minutes!
  • I stretch out or do handstands to cool down!
  • And then I start the day....

Saturdays I:

  • Run stairs ( 3 sets of 30 times up and down the stairs)
  • Ab workouts, usually plank type exercises and bicycle
  • Then stretch out and walk back to house for cool down

Sundays I:

  • Stretch out, relax
  • walk for at least 30 min
  • some yoga
  • Mindful exercises such as breathing, stretching, and meditating

I work during the day usually studying for school, reading articles, blogging, watching youtube videos, posting on instagram, and learning about life in every way I can, soon getting a job soon to help me save some extra money.

Thank you for reading and supporting me here. Just wanted to share my new workout plan with you all and maybe you can try it for yourself and see how you do! And let me know what your best results.

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