Fasting: Day 2 Summary - 3 lbs down!

Nashville, Five Points Pizza, Volleyball, Cheating, I HATE WATER, Non-Ketotic Ninja

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201 lbs this am

1:00pm cheat: a 1/4 of a homemade beef and bean burrito from Cherie. I really tried to eat just one bite. Really. But then no one else would eat the rest of it and it just sat there alone on the plate for 6 minutes and 21 seconds. Then I told @lilninja7703 to eat the rest of it. He said he wasn't hungry. :/

3:30pm cheat: Do you ever find yourself looking in the refrigerator or the pantry, but you have no intention of eating anything? Sometimes I come to my senses and I'm standing in front of the fridge holding the door open. As if it was simply for comfort. Or maybe nostalgia. Remembering the days long past when I could go to the fridge and eat anything and everything my heart desired. (Sigh).

Anyway, I don't even remember how I got there, but there I was again, the refrigerator zombie. As the fog was lifting off my brain, in a heavenly haze of white and orange, I visualized a freshly grated plate of cheddar cheese, on a paper plate, in a ziplock bag. 

I had a pinch. 

I played in two volleyball leagues(9 games total). In the first set of 3 games I was feeling okay and we won. During the second set of 3 games, I was feeling pretty weak. Not as much exhausted as just really unmotivated. We lost that set. Afterwards, the team went to a place called Five Points Pizza to kill the hour before our third and final set. They got a large Vegetarian and large Pesto pizzas. And a large order of Garlic Knots. I was SO strong. Right up to the point when they opened the first pizza box. It was hot and steamy with mushrooms, homemade pesto sauce, artichokes, onions and mozzarella. It was probably going to be one of the best pizzas I've ever had. And the crust(which is my favorite part): UH-MAZING!!!(potentially)

8:00pm cheat: So yeah, I had 1 slice. And one Garlic knot(the marinara for dipping was also steaming, WHO DOES THAT???!).  And my daughters crust from her vegetarian. She doesn't like the crust. I KNOW!! SHE'S CRAZY!!! I was feeling great after the carb load and we won our final set!

Cravings were a little better yesterday. No headaches all day. (My response to that would be: "OF COURSE YOU AREN'T HAVING BAD CRAVINGS!! YOU'RE EATING PIZZA!!")

I'm still drinking lots of water. But I don't feel like my output has been nearly what my intake has been. I figured I would be making a lot more bathroom stops and waking up in the night. Nope. Not yet. 

I still can't stand water. I only drink it because I'm supposed to. It does help me feel full for a few minutes. But it's an annoying Full. Not a satisfying Full. Like that Full when you stuffed yourself on too many chips and salsa at the Mexican restaurant AND had to eat your meal afterwards. 

I'm down to 201 so that's 2 pounds in one day. Total of 3 pounds lost in 2 days. I know, I know... "water weight".

I'll pose this question:
With all these cheats, AM I EVEN FASTING?!

I'll let you decide. Me personally, I would call it more of a SRSLC Diet (super random super low-calorie). Is the name of the diet based on what you WANT to do or what you actually DO? 

In all reality, I am eating a fraction of what I used to eat. I'm probably thwarting the true Ketotic state that I need to be in for rapid fat loss. I'm gonna have to kick it in gear if I want to be at 180 lbs by July 9th

Previous Fasting Posts:

Intro to my Fast

Day 1 Summary

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