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Half an hour's Exercise is equal to Two minutes of Cycling.

Nowadays, due to busy lifestyle, it is very difficult to get time out for exercise. Being fit in such a situation is not less than a challenge. Those who are sweating hours in the gym, we are giving them a good news today. A recent research has made it clear that half an hour of exercise and 2 minute cycling benefits are the same. Researchers at Victoria University of Australia found out during the study that people involved in the study were more successful than bicycles running just 2 minutes faster than those who cycle for 30 minutes comfortably. Researchers believe that the body can be strengthened for a long time by exercising only 2 minutes more intensity than high intensity interval training.

Benefits of Cycling
A. The effect of age first starts on your skin, then on your bones and other organs and then on your ability. But by bicycling you find a break on your fast growing age. Actually your whole body gets good exercise by cycling. This strengthens the bones and increases your physical ability. At the same time, you breathe rapidly during cycling, so that the skin gets plenty of oxygen and it remains longer for a long time.
B. Cycling is an aerobic exercise, which has many advantages. This reduces the risk of heart diseases. This activity increases the production of chemicals such as serotonin, dopamine and phenylithylamine, so that we forget the pain and feel happy all the time.
C. Nowadays, the problem of obesity is increasing rapidly in people. Obesity causes diseases of various diseases like diabetes, heart disease and liver. So living a long life is very important to stay away from obesity. By running 30 minutes a day, you can stay away from obesity. Actually, cycling is the exercise of your whole body and many calories burn. Therefore, cycling is an easy way to keep you fit and healthy.

D. If patients of diabetes decide on a regular long distance cycle, then they should check blood sugars before and after exercise. People with diabetes also get plenty of comfort from cycling. But patients with diabetes should note that drinking plenty of water before running the cycle. Diabetic patients with type-1 should cycle with more than one hour if they cycle with a carbohydrate diet.
E. Nowadays, the problem of stress and depression has become very common due to the famine of life, contaminated food and busy routine. There are many problems due to stress. A recent research has revealed that cycling reduces the risk of tension becoming largely reduced.