Coronavirus: The News is very depressing in my hometown, Kolkata, India.

I live in the city of Kolkata in India, and so far, the news is very depressing in Kolkata. :(

Kolkata reported its first ever Coronavirus case, India's 140th, yesterday evening. An 18YO is the victim. More about them later. The bottom line is, well-educated people are reacting like stupid here, and escalating the community spreading of the virus to a lot extent.

Here's 3 cases which I personally know via my friends who directly got in touch with them.

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Case #1:

I know about an incident in New Colony in Sodepur near Kolkata, where a woman in her fifties with a travel history to Italy has returned asymptomatically, and currently suffering from fever, cough and cold, from last 2 days, but still refusing to visit the Govt. ID hospital in Beleghata. (It's the only hospital currently diagnosing coronavirus cases)

Meanwhile, his son is also ill. Both of them at their home, under watch by two officials from the municipality.

Case #2:

Let's talk about the 18yo well-educated moron who tested positive yesterday. He is a pure son of a b... i mean, bureaucrat! His mother is Joint Secretary, State Home Department. Govt. of West Bengal.

Anyways, he returned India from UK on 15th March. His airport screening showed asymptomatic, and their parents threw a welcome party that evening. The next day, 16th March, he showed symptoms, but, instead of taking him to the ID Hospital, his mother, an IAS officer, took him to her office at Nabanna (the State Govt. Office), for an informal tour of the building.

Currently, Nabanna is in a turmoil of deep-fumigation procedures. The entire building is being disinfected. Its estimated that this mother-son duo may have possibly infected 200+ due to their utter stupidity in the last 2 days.
His parents, and their car driver, are currently under quarantine. Their test results are awaited.

Case #3:

Meanwhile, Beleghata Infectious Diseases Hospital, the only State Hospital assigned to diagnose suspected Novel #coronavirus disease in West Bengal, has gone houseful with its isolation wards, and are not able to accept any more patients. But, there's a long queue in front. :(

PS: I seriously want the State Govt. to enforce Section 144 of the CrPC ASAP, which criminalizes mass gatherings in India, so that these morons don't get to fuck up the already fucked up situation further. -_-

PPS: Stay Safe, Everyone. Wash your hands frequently with soap or alcohol based sanitizers. Don't touch your eyes, nose or face at any cost.

PPPS: Here's the official counts so far: (18th March 2020, 6pm IST)

Global Confirmed Cases: 204k+
Global Death: 8.1k+

India Confirmed Cases: 147.
India Death: 3.

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