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This 40 year-old Man Died Due To Eye Cancer, Because Of Doing This Activity Every Night.

This daily activity could put you at the risk of developing cancer.

A shocking story of a man who’s bedtime routine reads the same as many of us every night.


The 40-year-old man used his phone religiously before bed for at least half an hour every night, this is thought to have contributed to his cancer diagnosis.

Mobile phone screens emit a specific type of light, known to affect the eye and the body differently to other light sources.

The blue light that emits from mobile phone screens has been linked to a range of health defects from robbing of us of our ability to switch off and go to sleep, and as extreme an cancer of the eye.

It is though that the cause of the damage is due to the damage of the retinal cells which occurs when the eye is subject to long periods of screen exposure.

In this case, the man went to his doctor with an eye complaint.

The albumen of his eye was red and inflamed which was put down to excessive smartphone use – in the dark every night.

The damage that was done to the eye then developed into eye cancer, something which could have been avoided by using Night Shift Mode (Night Shift mode works by shifting the devices display from a blue tint to a much more yellow tint) or by simply switching off the electronics an hour before going to sleep.

We are all guilty of spending too much time on our smartphones, but this tragic story serves as a warning to all of us to break that habit of scrolling in bed when the lights are out.
