Consuming avocado will keep my pregnancy


Today I got a new experience as pregnant women, did not know if avocado is very beneficial for pregnancy. After I read some books, it turns out the avocado is very beneficial to the health of my fetus. Avocado is not only delicious to juice and enjoy by adding chocolate milk, but this fruit is also able to meet the nutrients for myself who are pregnant so me and the fetus is always healthy. many cases of pregnant women who do not appetite so even lose weight much because often nausea and vomiting. The consumption of avocados will be excellent as I will explain below.


  • Prevent the occurrence of Anemia

Some pregnant women may be iron deficient so sometimes faint or dizzy that they are anemic. In order for this to not happen, I have to consume avocado to help meet the needs of iron in the body. do not have much, just eat a few pieces it will suffice.

  • Meet the needs of calcium

Not only me alone who needs calcium, but my fetus also needs it so that growth and bone formation can run well make the baby will be born healthy, strong and perfect. As an avocado builder this substance can be completely dependable.

  • Preventing baby hair from being disabled

Apart from pregnant women themselves can get various benefits from avocados including for myself. Eating avocado regularly will help the need for ¼ daily intake can be fulfilled. This will prevent birth defects as well


That was some of the benefits of avocado for pregnant women that I do not know all this time. Surely me and other pregnant women can add avocado to daily food intake.

"Remember, you have to compensate also with other healthy foods that can meet the nutritional needs, which is useful for growing the fetus, hopefully this is useful for other pregnant women."

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