Good Health VIBE

NASA was the first to discover the importance of vibration for astronauts living gravity-free.

Keeping their bones and muscles πŸ’ͺ in good order was a problem solved.

Now vibration plates are available in gyms, at home, and even in a couple of coffee shops I know of in California!

My family uses ours every day:

  • after sitting all day, a few minutes on the vibe gets my body moving β€” as though I went on a 2-mile hike.
  • to warm-up or cool-down from exercise
  • to reduce muscle soreness
  • ours vibrates your body 30 times/second, but some can adjust to 40x or more
  • it helps tighten my jiggly parts, reducing cellulite β€” a little
  • balance on one leg or do yoga poses on the plate to improve your strength
  • because vibration helps flush the lymphatic system, I feel energized afterward
  • sometimes I lay on it to loosen my upper back
  • if I can use it during my HIIT workout, I do. Kettlebells, sit-ups, plank, etc.

It isn’t recommended if you have tinnitus.

If you use vibration to improve your health, I’d like to know.

No one else in my family experiences an itchy nose πŸ‘ƒ after using the plate. Just me!

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