Swiss Roll

Materials Requireds:

150 g of flour
150 grams of sugar
Egg white
Baking powder one and a half teaspoons
Vanilla acne 1 teaspoon
1 cup of strawberry jam
2/3 drops of any food color (even if not given)
2 tablespoons of milk powder
For spraying powder sugar or icing sugar cakes

Preparation method:

Separate the white parts of the egg. Now bite it with a bitrate and foam. There will be a white foam.
Foam should be mixed with a little bit of sugar and yolk.
Now mix flour, baking powder, milk powder, and mix it with a little bit of egg mixture. When mixing all the vanilla assensions must be mixed.
Grate the flour with grated coconut and grate the oil or butter in it. Shred the extra flour.
Pour the mixture into the mixture and bake 25-30 minutes at 160 h of pre-heated oven. Perfect sponge to create a beautiful roll is very important.
Make a little cool after being baked. Do not forget that the jam does not melt. If the cold is cold, then the cake will be broken while rolling.
Spread a butterfly paper. Turn the cake upside down on the paper with the tin carefully. In this, the brown part of the cake will fall on the paper and the lower part is above.
Now, the paper that spreads the tin with the cake, remove it. And smash the jam on the side of the cake.
Let's start rolling the cake slowly. Roll a little bit with paper, remove the paper and roll it again. Roll the whole cake in this way.
Sprinkle the icing sugar on top and let it cool down. Paste with a sharp knife if it's cold.
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