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Medical duel ... to what extent do we have a heart of stone ... ???

The duel; According to the great neuropsychologists, it is the natural reaction to the loss of a person, object or significant event. It is considered an emotional and behavioral reaction in the form of suffering and affection when an affective bond is broken, it is a normal process, which we go through in the face of loss and not only relates it to the finitude of life, it can be presented in various scenarios as a change of work, removals, separations, loss of objects. However, the episode that most makes us cross the duel, without a doubt is the dreaded death, for many religious, it is only the continuity of life, for others not so much. There are stages of mourning, which are considered non-pathological and which is part of the natural course of the response to loss:

  1. Start or first stage, characterized by a more or less intense state of shock, there is an alteration in e affection, with an anesthetized sensibility, the intellect is paralyzed and the physiological aspect is affected with irregularities in the heart rhythm, nausea or tremor. The first reaction is the rejection, the incredulity that can go up to the denial, manifested by a calm and insensitive behavior, or on the contrary, exalted. It is a defense system.
  1. Central stage: it is the very core of mourning; It is distinguished by a depressive state and is the longest stage. At first, the image of the disappeared person always and completely occupies the mind of the bereaved.
  2. Final stage: is the recovery period. It begins when the subject looks to the future, is interested in new objects and is able to return to feel new desires and to express them.

So??? What's wrong with the doctor ??? According to dictionaries of medical sciences of the beginning of the XIX century, they affirm that, the doctor, if he can not save a sick person, he must be far from it when he has his last breath; However, our ethics dictates that we must stay to the end and be the faithful companion of each stage; despite the fact that every day the doctor faces death, is the carrier of bad news for family members, assumes the battle against deadly diseases, must maintain an attitude of seriousness and calmness to be able to give that patient and relatives the tranquility that You need in those last moments. But, what happens when said deaths, said news, mark the professional in such a way that he also assumes that loss or event as his own; in personal experience, I love the phrase "Heart of stone", make the breastplate to protect ourselves, perhaps are attitudes and skills that are acquired over time and you learn with each patient, but always comes the patient who makes you wobble, which makes your shield crumble and this is where our brain betrays us and there are endless emotions and feelings that escape what we can handle, which is why psychological support for staff should be included routinely in the health centers, because, if there is a healthy and happy doctor, the rest comes alone.

I understand when colleagues are impersonal and distant attitude, how many times we have not heard "The Dr is hateful", "Dr. is arrogant" ... many claims of patients complaining about the apathy of some doctors, but it is not unreasonable to attribute it to a defense system, a protective shield ... My advice ??? Heart of stone colleagues, provide the best care with a big smile on the face and resilience, learn from each patient and give the best of us so that we have personal satisfaction that "We did it right" ...!