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Die(ts)... The Name Sais It All!

We are at a point in time where ANY diet has countless benefits & “studies” advocating / promoting them according to “google” or the mainstream information...

if you wish to believe a ketogenic diet is healthy , research it / google it & it is!!

If you want to believe eating mostly meat is healthy, research it / google it, and it is!!

If you want to believe another species milk that is designed for her growing young is healthy & meant for your body somehow, google that because there is a big & powerful industry profiting from your ignorance!!

If you want to believe that a Mediterranean, paleo, vegan, Atkins, zone diet, south beach diet or the 5:2 diet is healthy then guess what? Google it & voila, They all are !!

Except for a fruit diet, a fruit diet is terrible for you, it has too much sugar, didn’t you hear? didn’t google or every other human give you the rundown?

Pick your poison, because it is no longer poison, its actually healthy according to google!

The truth is, “the killer in me is the killer in you, my love”...we are all one species, & there are foods that our bodies function optimally on, & other foods which slowly tear down our health & wouldn’t even be considered human foods if we humans knew the truth regarding our true dietary requirements as a species...

What is wrong with with this picture?

If we can find “scientific studies” backing up any it possible that they are all good for our health?


Truth is truth, & every diet cannot all be good, thats an impossibility, contradictory, & judging by all the heath issues present in everyone’s lives, I have to say this...

It’s time we rely less on google, time we rely less on mainstream scientific information, & more on our intuition & each other ...

asking for scientific studies to back up a comment based in real life experience is absolutely ridiculous & absent minded ...

All the diets (die - ts ) I mentioned above will drive anyone further into a state of poor health & eventual degeneration ...


Because we were once a frugivorse species, thriving on only natural foods which cannot be capitalized on or categorized into some diet category...

Because we are now seeing the sickening results of many generations of eating outside of our species specific diets, & now, in order to return to health, it’s going to take struggle, hardship, determination & the correct knowledge to get there...

No, we cannot all just jump into an all fruit diet overnight, not with this level of chronic disease & pharmaceutical use...some individuals require a careful transitional approach ...

I am appalled that we the people allow all of these lies, harmful information & un-necessary allopathic procedures into our lives...we are victims, sitting ducks, confused & loosing good people at a rapid rate because we trust in allopathic modalities, pharmaceuticals & biased scientific studies ...

The only individuals who stand a chance at healing are those that are willing to take a chance , a chance that just maybe most of the information put forth is incorrect & often there to generate profits & confusion ...

It is those who are willing to give nature a honest shot, & to stick through the hard times, that will be rewarded in due time ... it takes time ..we have to pay our dues, we have to slowly undo what we have done & there’s no short cuts, or getting around this...

For the rest of humanity, my heart goes out to you, we are living in some serious sad times & the only one who can help you is - YOU...

#Mariah 🍓 Heal Thy Self
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