Read this before doing RADON Mitigation

We recently set up a bedroom in the basement for my son and soon thought we should have the basement tested for RADON as this is required on most residential real estate transactions in the US. I ordered a test kit for $12.00 and set it up in the basement. I then sent the test kit to have it tested to see if it was in the "safe" limit recommended by the EPA. The test came back sightly above the EPA "Safe Limit" (4 pCi) - I started to research DIY mitigation and came across this.

The above youtube link explains the science behind RADON test levels. In summary, EPA guidelines and testing for RADON on residential properties is a complete fraud. After all, RADON Testing and Mitigation is a $50 Billion Industry in the US.

Watch the 4 part video - then decide if you still want to waste your money and effort in installing a RADON Mitigation system in your house.

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